Chapter #24 Solutions - Physical Science with Modern Applications - Melvin Merken - 5th Edition


1. What are the major gases comprising the atmosphere and the percentage of the total that each supplies? Get solution

2. Why is it useful to think of the atmosphere as an ocean of air? Get solution

3. Why are hydrogen and helium scarce in the earth’s atmosphere? Get solution

4. List four regions of the atmosphere that are based on thermal structure. Get solution

5. How is the temperature profile of the stratosphere related to ozone? Get solution

6. Discuss the threat to the survival of the ozone layer. Get solution

7. (a) What is the greenhouse effect?(b) Why is there so much discussion of it in the media? Get solution

8. What important role does ozone play in the atmosphere? Get solution

9. How does the troposphere differ from the strato-sphere? Get solution

10. How is it possible for radio waves, which travel in straight lines, to follow the curvature of the earth? Get solution

11. What is the difference between a meteorologist and a climatologist? Get solution

12. Explain how auroras form. Get solution

13. Why were the radiation belts encompassing the earth discovered only recently? Get solution

14. Give the common units in which air pressure is expressed. Get solution

15. Why does the atmosphere become progressively more dense from its outer limits to sea level? Get solution

16. How can you apply your knowledge of pressure and winds in everyday life? Get solution

17. Why is it difficult to cook foods in boiling water at high elevations? Get solution

18. What is meant by the “hydrologic cycle”? Get solution

19. Discuss five meteorological instruments. Get solution

20. Discuss the major classes of clouds. Get solution

21. What is relative humidity? Get solution

22. Explain the meaning of dew point. Get solution

23. Why does the relative humidity rise at night? Get solution

24. Distinguish between condensation and precipitation. Get solution

25. How do fronts cause clouds and precipitation? Get solution

26. (a) How many inches of precipitation have fallen in your area this year?(b) Is that average or unusually high or low? Get solution

27. List the various forms of precipitation and the manner in which each is produced. Get solution

28. What is the role of nuclei of condensation in cloud formation? Get solution

29. Discuss the characteristics of an air mass. Get solution

30. How are weather fronts related to air masses? Get solution

31. Compare the amounts of snowfall and rainfall. Get solution

32. How does a thunderstorm develop? Get solution

33. What makes a tornado so life-threatening? Get solution

34. What is the current status of weather modification? Get solution

35. Multiple ChoiceA. Atmospheric pressure is usually recorded in(a) grams.(b) meters.(c) millibars.(d) isobars.B. The relative humidity of the air is measured with a(a) barometer.(b) sling psychrometer.(c) thermograph.(d) ceilometer.C. The lowest region of the atmosphere is called the(a) troposphere.(b) stratosphere.(c) ionosphere.(d) exosphere.D. Rain or snow is most likely to be produced by which of the following clouds?(a) cirrostratus(b) nimbostratus(c) stratocumulus(d) altocumulusE. A boundary that separates air masses of different properties is known as a (an)(a) weather front.(b) cold front.(c) warm front.(d) occluded front. Get solution

Chapter #23 Solutions - Physical Science with Modern Applications - Melvin Merken - 5th Edition


1. Why is earth called the “water planet”? Get solution

2. What are the oceans used for? Get solution

3. How does the average depth of the oceans compare with the average elevation of the continents? Get solution

4. What is meant by the “heat budget” of the ocean? Get solution

5. Why is the sea cold? Get solution

6. Why is the sea dark? Get solution

7. Discuss the interdisciplinary nature of oceanography. Get solution

8. Explain why our knowledge of the ocean has increased by leaps and bounds in recent years. Get solution

9. Discuss some of the tools that are now available for observing the ocean. Get solution

10. How is a knowledge of the speed of sound in ocean water used to determine the topography of the ocean floor? Get solution

11. How are continental shelves different from continental slopes? Get solution

12. How are submarine canyons formed? Get solution

13. What are some features of the deep-sea bottom? Get solution

14. How are seamounts and tablemounts related? Get solution

15. Where is the youngest part of the ocean floor? Get solution

16. Why are turbidity currents effective as agents of submarine erosion? Get solution

17. In what way may mid-oceanic ridges and deep-sea trenches be related to plate tectonics? Get solution

18. How are features of the continental shelf related to adjacent land masses? Get solution

19. What made the discovery of hydrothermal vents the oceanographic discovery of the decade? Get solution

20. Can anything be done to reduce marine pollution? Explain. Get solution

21. What are the attractions of offshore drilling and mining? Get solution

22. Discuss some instruments now available to observe the ocean. Get solution

23. What are the most valuable resources presently obtained from beneath the sea floor? Get solution

24. Is desalination of seawater a viable means of obtaining water that is fit to drink? Discuss. Get solution

25. Multiple ChoiceA. The oceans cover about what percentage of the earth’s surface?(a) 25(b) 50(c) 70(d) 90B. Undersea volcanoes are known as(a) submarine canyons.(b) seamounts.(c) sea-floor plains.(d) trenches.C. A theory that explains the origin of the ocean is(a) degassing.(b) oceanography.(c) desalination.(d) turbidity current.D. A zone of the ocean in which the temperature decreases rapidly with depth is called the(a) continental shelf.(b) continental slope.(c) thermocline.(d) heat budget.E. Features of the ocean floors can be determined by(a) sonar.(b) Nansen bottle.(c) bathythermograph.(d) telescope. Get solution

Chapter #22 Solutions - Physical Science with Modern Applications - Melvin Merken - 5th Edition


1. How is information concerning the earth’s interior obtained? Get solution

2. What is the evidence for the fluidity of the earth’s outer core and for the solidity of the inner core? Get solution

3. Discuss the structure of the earth’s interior? Get solution

4. What is the Mohorovičić discontinuity? How was it discovered? Get solution

5. Identify the major zones of the earth from the surface to the center. Get solution

6. If a planet had no sedimentary or metamorphic rocks, what could you say about its geological history? Get solution

7. Distinguish between rocks and minerals. Get solution

8. Describe the major classifications of rock. Get solution

9. Why are the rocks found on the ocean floors relatively young? Get solution

10. How do impacts by comets and asteroids influence the earth’s geology? Get solution

11. How do geophysicists determine the location of the top of the mantle? Get solution

12. What is the most obvious difference between the inner core and the outer core? Get solution

13. Which is denser, the mantle or the core? Get solution

14. What is the evidence for the structure and composition of the mantle? Get solution

15. Describe the world distribution of volcanic activity and earthquake epicenters. Get solution

16. Explain the relationship between magma and lava. Get solution

17. Discuss the varieties of volcanic eruptions and their relations to the shapes of volcanoes. Get solution

18. What types of volcanoes are especially dangerous? Get solution

19. Why does magma tend to rise to the surface? Get solution

20. What is the status of the science of predicting a major eruption of a volcano? Get solution

21. How might the Himalayan Mountains have originated, according to plate tectonic theory? Get solution

22. Discuss some evidence in support of the concept of continental drift. Get solution

23. How is sea-floor spreading related to plate tectonics? Get solution

24. Why is the ocean floor youthful in relation to tire age of the earth? Get solution

25. What evidence exists for the idea that the earth’s magnetic field has reversed at intervals over the ages? Get solution

26. In what way is the comparison of continents to floating icebergs valid? Get solution

27. Discuss the kinematics of three types of plate boundaries. Get solution

28. What evidence has been found to support Wegener’s theory of continental drift? Get solution

29. What causes an earthquake? Get solution

30. How are regions of active volcanoes related to earthquake belts? Get solution

31. Explain the geologist’s description of an earthquake in terms of its intensity and magnitude. Get solution

32. Discuss the major lands of earthquake waves. Get solution

33. How great are the chances of a destructive earthquake east of the Rockies? Get solution

34. Why is the rate of weathering greater in a humid than in an arid climate? Get solution

35. Why is none of the original crust of the earth now visible? Get solution

36. How does physical weathering encourage chemical weathering in rock? Get solution

37. What types of rocks best resist all types of weathering? Get solution

38. Why have the forces of weathering and erosion not worn the continents down to low-lying plains? Get solution

39. Multiple ChoiceA. The oldest rock on the earth’s surface is(a) sedimentary.(b) igneous.(c) tectonic.(d) metamorphic.B. An instrument that measures earthquake activity is a(a) polarimeter.(b) refractometer.(c) seismograph.(d) micrometer.C. The theory that continents float on layers of mantle rock is called(a) sea-floor spreading.(b) plate tectonics.(c) mass wasting.(d) volcanism.D. The Mid-oceanic Ridge is(a) a region where tectonic plates are colliding.(b) bordered by young igneous rocks.(c) bordered by old sedimentary rocks.(d) a region where earthquakes are common.E. An agent of significant erosion is(a) oxidation of minerals in air.(b) falling snow.(c) wave action.(d) radioactive decay. Get solution

Chapter #21 Solutions - Physical Science with Modern Applications - Melvin Merken - 5th Edition


1. What is the basis for the statement that our solar system is not unique in the universe? Get solution

2. How is a solar system believed to have been formed? Get solution

3. From the information now available, discuss the possibility of life as we know it on other planets in our solar system. Get solution

4. What are some essential differences between planets and stars? Get solution

5. Which of the planets would appear to be most suitable for human exploration? In your opinion, should such exploration be encouraged? Get solution

6. On which planet do we see the surface rather than the atmosphere? Get solution

7. Which planets are likely to have their original atmospheres? Explain. Get solution

8. Discuss the nature of sunspots and the chronology of a sunspot cycle. What influence, if any, has a sunspot cycle on human affairs? Get solution

9. What makes the sun shine? Get solution

10. On a sketch of the sun, show the locations of the chromosphere, the corona, and the photosphere. Get solution

11. Why didn’t the planets become stars, assuming that they condensed out of the same primeval nebula as the sun? Get solution

12. What information has been obtained about the moon, first by means of improved instrumentation such as the telescope, camera, and lunar orbiter, and finally through astronaut landings, that was not available previously? Get solution

13. In your opinion, has the price tag in the billion-dollar range for lunar exploration been worth the return? Get solution

14. Why are the “seas,” “oceans,” and “bays” on the moon misnomers? Get solution

15. Discuss the structure and possible origin of Saturn’s rings and their relation to the structure and origin of the solar system. Get solution

16. What can studying rocks from the moon tell us about the early history of the earth? Get solution

17. Why can we never see one hemisphere of the moon from the earth? Get solution

18. List several differences between the terrestrial planets and the Jovian planets. Get solution

19. Why do radar observations of Venus provide more data about the surface structure dian a flyby with close-up camera? Get solution

20. Why do we say that Venus is our “sister planet”? Get solution

21. Why does Mars vary greatly in brightness as seen from the earth? Get solution

22. What evidence is there that there is, or has been, water on Mars? Get solution

23. Compare the temperature ranges on Mercury, Venus, earth, and Mars. Get solution

24. How might the atmosphere of Venus have evolved through a runaway greenhouse effect? Get solution

25. Do radar observations of Venus study the surface or the clouds? Explain. Get solution

26. Discuss the structure and possible origin of Saturn’s rings and their relation to the structure and origin of the solar system. Get solution

27. Of all the natural moons, what is unique about Saturn’s Titan that makes it of particular interest? Get solution

28. Is Jupiter more like a star than a planet? Explain. Get solution

29. What distinction does Titan hold among the moons in the solar system? Get solution

30. What is strange about the direction in which Uranus rotates? Get solution

31. What fraction of its orbit has Neptune traversed since it was discovered? Get solution

32. What evidence suggests that Pluto is not a “normal” planet? Get solution

33. Why are the moons of the giant planets more appealing for direct exploration than the planets themselves? Get solution

34. What significance may meteorites have concerning the composition of the earth’s interior? Get solution

35. What causes light to be emitted by a meteorite? Get solution

36. Discuss the structure of a comet. Get solution

37. What is the connection between meteorites and asteroids? Get solution

38. Discuss the changes that occur as a comet approaches the sun. Get solution

39. Was the 1986 passage of Halley’s comet as spectacular as anticipated? Explain. Get solution

40. What are the prospects for the existence of life elsewhere in the solar system? Get solution

41. Discuss the value of supporting exobiology. Get solution

42. How probable is fife elsewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy? Get solution

43. Do you think there is extraterrestrial intelligence? Get solution

44. What would it matter to humanity if the existence of other technological civilizations was definitely-proved or disproved? Get solution

45. Is space travel to other solar systems a realistic goal? Get solution

46. How might communication between worlds occur? Get solution

47. Do you think it likely that human beings will ever colonize other planets? Get solution

48. Multiple ChoiceA. Sunspots appear dark because they are(a) hotter than the surrounding surface.(b) cooler than the surrounding surface.(c) flares.(d) coronal streamers.B. Galileo discovered all but(a) sunspots.(b) the phases of Venus.(c) the moons of Mars.(d) the moons of Jupiter.C. The lunar maria are presumed younger than the highlands because(a) they are lighter.(b) they are darker.(c) they have water.(d) they have fewer craters.D. The greenhouse effect heats a planet because(a) infrared radiation is trapped.(b) more sunlight gets in.(c) the winds don’t blow too fast.(d) it removes CO2 from the atmosphere.E. The Great Red Spot of Jupiter is probably(a) a continent.(b) a storm.(c) a hole in the clouds.(d) a thick cloud layer. Get solution

Chapter #20 Solutions - Physical Science with Modern Applications - Melvin Merken - 5th Edition


1. How do we know the chemical composition of stars? Get solution

2. (a) What information does a red shift in its spectrum yield about a star? (b) a blue shift? Get solution

3. Why are optical astronomers for the most part limited to nighttime observation, whereas radio astronomers can observe during the day? Get solution

4. Astronomically, in what way have our senses been expanded in recent years? Get solution

5. Which distance is greater, a light-year or an astronomical unit? Explain. Get solution

6. Why is bigger better for astronomical telescopes? Get solution

7. If the Andromeda spiral galaxy is approaching us at a velocity of 290 km/s, how long will it take to reach us if the distance is 225 × 106 ly? Get solution

8. A star is 45 ly away. Traveling at a speed of 100,000 mph, how long would it take to reach this star? Get solution

9. Indicate the close relationship of other physical sciences to astronomy. Get solution

10. How are the positions of celestial objects specified? Get solution

11. The parallax of a star is 0.001". How far away is it in ly? Get solution

12. Constellations and galaxies are both groups of stars. In what ways do they differ? Get solution

13. Why are the constellations of the winter sky different from those of summer? Get solution

14. When we look up at the stars, we are looking back in history. Explain. Get solution

15. Why is the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram considered by some astronomers to be the most important diagram in astronomy? Get solution

16. Distinguish between pulsars and pulsating stars. Get solution

17. What does the sequence O, B, A, F, G, K, M represent? Get solution

18. What is stellar evolution? Get solution

19. How did the “guest star” of AD 1054 become associated with the discovery of pulsars? Get solution

20. What are some differences between a nova and a supernova? Get solution

21. What is a black hole? Get solution

22. Describe the possible final stages in the life cycle of a star. Get solution

23. What role has the radio telescope played in the recent revolution in astronomy? Get solution

24. What is the distinction between a nebula and a galaxy? Get solution

25. Galaxies have been referred to as the structural units of the universe. Explain. Get solution

26. How have the 21-cm radio waves emitted by neutral hydrogen extended our knowledge of the universe? Get solution

27. Why is the name “Milky Way” appropriate for our galaxy? Get solution

28. What is the difference between an open and a globular star cluster? Get solution

29. What is Hubble’s law and what does it mean? Get solution

30. What is meant by “the expansion of the universe”? Get solution

31. What is a quasar? Get solution

32. Explain why astronomers of today can actually observe galaxies as they were billions of years ago. Get solution

33. Multiple ChoiceA. The average distance from the earth to the sun is(a) a light-year.(b) an astronomical unit.(c) an angstrom unit.(d) a parsec.B. A nova is(a) a star that suddenly increases in brightness.(b) a pulsar.(c) a quasar.(d) a receding galaxy.C. The remnant of the big bang is also known as(a) a neutron star.(b) a black hole.(c) 3K background radiation.(d) the interstellar medium.D. The energy of a main sequence star comes from(a) gravitation.(b) nuclear fission.(c) nuclear fusion.(d) helium burning.E. A Doppler red shift for a galaxy indicates that it is(a) approaching.(b) receding.(c) slowing down.(d) speeding up. Get solution

Chapter #19 Solutions - Physical Science with Modern Applications - Melvin Merken - 5th Edition


1. What does it mean to say that a nucleus is radioactive? Get solution

2. What does the atomic number, Z, of a nucleus represent? Get solution

3. What does the mass number, A, of a nucleus represent? Get solution

4. Define (a) nucleon; (b) nuclide. Get solution

5. (a) How do the isotopes of an element differ? (b) How are they similar? Get solution

6. Give a nuclear symbol for each of the following.(a) an alpha particle(b) a beta particle(c) a proton(d) a neutron(e) a positron Get solution

7. Indicate the number of protons and the number of neutrons in each of the following nuclides.(a) ...(b) ...(c) ... Get solution

8. Predict which isotope is more stable.... or ... Get solution

9. Which isotope would you expect to be radioactive?... or ... Get solution

10. How does β-emission from a nucleus affect the number of (a) neutrons? (b) protons? Get solution

11. Beryllium-9 has a mass of 9.01219 u. Calculate its binding energy per nucleon. Get solution

12. How can an electron (a β-particle) be emitted from a nucleus when it is thought that the nucleus is composed only of nucleons? Get solution

13. What are the steps in balancing nuclear equations? Get solution

14. What name is given to the elements with atomic numbers greater than 92? Get solution

15. Complete the following nuclear equations.(a) ...(b) ...(c) ...(d) ...(e) ... Get solution

16. Copper-66 decays by β-emission. Write the nuclear equation. Get solution

17. Nobelium-254 has been produced by the bombardment of curium-246 with carbon-12 nuclei. Four neutrons are released in the process. Write the balanced nuclear equation. Get solution

18. Write equations for the following induced nuclear reactions. The first symbol stands for the target nuclide. In parentheses, the symbol of the projectile particle is followed by the symbol of the ejected particle. The last symbol stands for the product nuclide.(a) ...(b) ...(c) ...(d) ... Get solution

19. Gold can be obtained from ... by neutron bombardment. Write a balanced equation for this reaction. Get solution

20. The half-fife of strontium-90 is 25 years. What does this mean? Get solution

21. Carbon from an ax handle discovered in an archaeological “dig” is only one half as radioactive as the carbon from the handle of a new ax. How old is the artifact? Get solution

22. Iodine-131, used in the form of sodium iodide to treat cancer of the thryoid, has a half-life of 8.05 days. If 25.0 mg of radioactive Na131I is administered, how many milligrams remain after about a month (32.2 days)? Get solution

23. Why does an ancient cloth artifact contain less ... than a recent article made of similar materials? Get solution

24. Radioactive technetium-99 is used in bone scans and has a half-life of 6.0 hours. What fraction of a dose of ... remains in a patient’s body after 2.0 days? Get solution

25. Discuss some advantages and disadvantages of fission reactors as an energy source. Get solution

26. In what form is energy obtained from a nuclear reactor? Get solution

27. Why is it that chain reactions do not occur in natural deposits of uranium? Get solution

28. Why is the chance of a nuclear reactor’s exploding like a bomb remote? Explain. Get solution

29. What becomes of the “mass-defect” in fission and fusion? Get solution

30. Beryllium-9 has a mass of 9.01219 u. Calculate its binding energy per nucleon. Get solution

31. What does a “breeder” reactor breed? Why is this significant? Get solution

32. In a nuclear reaction, tritium ... and deuterium ... fuse into helium-4 with the release of a neutron and 17.6 MeV as follows:...Calculate the mass defect of this reaction in atomic mass units (u). Get solution

33. In a fission reactor, nuclear reactions produce heat to drive a turbine generator. How is this heat produced? Get solution

34. What is meant by meltdown? Get solution

35. Why is a fission bomb (called an A-bomb) needed to start a hydrogen bomb (H-bomb)? Get solution

36. How does E = mc2 apply in (a) fission and (b) fusion? Get solution

37. Discuss the controversy surrounding “cold” fusion experiments. Get solution

38. Multiple ChoiceA. Radioactivity is caused by(a) too many isotopes.(b) short half-lives.(c) gamma radiation.(d) unstable nuclei.B. Which of the following detects radioactivity?(a) atomic pile(b) Geiger-Mueller counter(c) cyclotron(d) plasmaC. The smallest amount of fissionable material that will support a self-sustaining chain reaction is called the(a) isotopic weight.(b) atomic weight.(c) critical mass.(d) mass number.D. The fission of uranium-235 nuclei is initiated by(a) electrons.(b) protons.(c) neutrons.(d) gamma rays.E. The energy obtained from nuclear reactions comes from(a) explosions.(b) helium being converted to hydrogen.(c) radioactive decay of uranium.(d) conversion of mass to energy.F. Naturally occurring radioactive isotopes(a) must have very long half-fives.(b) must have very short half-lives.(c) can have either very long or very short half-lives.(d) do not exist.G. A cyclotron is used to(a) accelerate neutrons.(b) separate the isotopes of an element.(c) accelerate charged particles.(d) increase the decay rate of a radioactive substance.H. Transuranium elements(a) are made by nuclear fusion.(b) result from natural radioactive decay.(c) have atomic numbers greater than 92.(d) occur in nature.I. Thermonuclear reactions(a) are fission reactions.(b) are fusion reactions.(c) are due to radioactivity.(d) are impossible on earth.J. A “breeder” reaction is one in which(a) neutrons are produced.(b) a fusion reaction occurs.(c) a nonfissionable nuclide is converted into a fissionable one.(d) electrical energy is produced. Get solution

Chapter #18 Solutions - Physical Science with Modern Applications - Melvin Merken - 5th Edition


1. What characteristics of carbon make possible the formation of the great number of organic compounds? Get solution

2. Why are molecular formulas alone inadequate to represent organic compounds? Illustrate with an example. Get solution

3. Contrast the physical properties of the ionic compound table salt, sodium chloride, with those of the hydrocarbon naphthalene (C10H8), moth flakes. Get solution

4. Which of the following are organic compounds(a) C3H8(b) NaBr(c) C2Cl6(d) KMnO4(e) C6H12O6 Get solution

5. A compound has a melting point of 84°C, is insoluble in water, and burns. Is it likely to be an organic or an inorganic compound? Get solution

6. Which compound probably has the higher melting point, NaOH or CH3CH2OH? Get solution

7. What does the term “hybrid orbital” mean? Get solution

8. Show the overlap of orbitals in CH3Cl. Get solution

9. Supply the missing hydrogens in this structural formula:... Get solution

10. Identify the 1°, 2°, and 3° carbons in the formula given in Exercise 18–9. Get solution

11. Draw the structures of the smallest alkanes that are structural isomers. Get solution

12. Why are molecular formulas alone inadequate to represent organic compounds? Illustrate with an example. Get solution

13. (a) What is meant by a chiral carbon? (b) What unique property does it have? Get solution

14. Draw the structures of all the pentane isomers and name them. Get solution

15. Draw and label the cis- and trans-isomers of 2-butene. Get solution

16. What is meant by a homologous series of compounds? Get solution

17. Write structural formulas for an example of each of the following.(a) alkene(b) alcohol(c) ether(d) ester(e) aldehyde Get solution

18. Identify the functional groups present in each of the following compounds.(a) ...(b) C2H5—O—C2H5(c) ...(d) ...(e) ... Get solution

19. Write condensed structural formulas for the following compounds.(a) acetylene(b) di-n-propyl ether(c) 2,2-dimethyl-3-chlorobutane(d) bromobenzene(e) methyl acetate Get solution

20. Why is methyl alcohol not used as a solvent for medicines to be taken internally? Get solution

21. Define and illustrate the following terms.(a) functional group(b) delocalization energy(c) unsaturation(d) aromaticity(e) geometrical isomerism Get solution

22. What is denatured alcohol? Get solution

23. Write the structural formula and name for the simplest (a) alkene, (b) alkyne, (c) aromatic hydrocarbon. Get solution

24. State what is wrong with each of the following names.(a) 4-methylpentane(b) 2-dimethylbutane(c) 2-ethyl-4,4-dimethylpentane(d) 2,3-methylhexane Get solution

25. Name each of the following compounds by the IUPAC system.(a) CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3(b) ...(c) ...(d) ... Get solution

26. Explain the statement that the octane number of a gasoline is 94. Get solution

27. Why has the structure of benzene been a problem to scientists? Get solution

28. How do (a) benzene and (b) ethylene differ in their reactions with bromine? Get solution

29. Discuss the main source of the man-made atmospheric pollutants, the hydrocarbons, and the prospects for minimizing them. Get solution

30. Discuss the role of π bonding in benzene. Get solution

31. Write the structural formula for the principal reaction product when benzene reacts with HBr. Get solution

32. Which hybrid orbitals are involved in a ... double bond? Get solution

33. Draw the two resonance forms of benzene. Is the real benzene represented by either of them? Explain. Get solution

34. Write the structural formulas of the following groups.(a) methyl(b) ethyl(c) isopropyl(d) t-butyl Get solution

35. Multiple ChoiceA. Which is an isomer of 2-methylbutane?(a) propane(b) pentane(c) 2-methylpropane(d) 2-methylpentaneB. The type of hybridization present in CH4 is(a) sp.(b) sp2.(c) sp3.(d) p-p.C. A functional group is(a) one of the vertical columns in the periodic table.(b) a horizontal row in the periodic table.(c) exemplified by R in ROH.(d) exemplified by OH in ROH.D. A double bond between two carbon atoms consists of(a) two sigma bonds.(b) two pi bonds.(c) one sigma and one pi bond.(d) sp hybridized carbon atoms.E. Polyethylene is an example of(a) a monomer.(b) an addition polymer.(c) a radical.(d) a rubber.F. The normal alkane that contains seven carbon atoms is called(a) pentane.(b) septane.(c) hexane.(d) heptane.G. The reaction CH4 + Cl2 → CH3Cl is an example of(a) a substitution reaction.(b) an addition reaction.(c) a polymerization reaction.(d) a neutralization reaction.H. Which of the following hydrocarbons would most likely be a component of gasoline?(a) C2H6(b) C7H16(c) C12H36(d) C17H34I. Gasoline that has the same knocking tendency as a mixture of 60% n-heptane and 40% isooctane has an octane number of(a) 20.(b) 40.(c) 60.(d) 100.J. Hydrocarbons that contain a double bond are called(a) saturated.(b) alkanes.(c) alkenes.(d) alkynes. Get solution

Chapter #17 Solutions - Physical Science with Modern Applications - Melvin Merken - 5th Edition


1. Are all liquids soluble in one another? Explain. Get solution

2. Gasoline is a nonpolar solvent; water is a polar solvent. Is KCl more likely to be soluble in gasoline or in water? Get solution

3. Compare the solubility of common table salt, NaCl, with that of naphthalene (moth flakes), C10H8, in (a) water, (b) gasoline. Get solution

4. How do a mixture, a solution, and a pure compound differ in composition? Get solution

5. Explain what “like dissolves like” means. Get solution

6. Give an example of solvation involving ion-dipole interaction. Get solution

7. A solution is made by dissolving sugar in water. Which is the solvent and which the solute? Get solution

8. Suppose a solution contains either stilt or sugar dissolved in water. Suggest a simple way by which you could easily tell which it is. Get solution

9. One mole of sugar is added to 1 liter of water. Is the concentration of the solution 1 M? Explain. Get solution

10. Calculate (a) the number of moles and (b) the number of grams of NaCl in 50.0 mL of 2.00 M NaCl. Get solution

11. Describe how you would prepare 250 mL of 0.100 M NaOH from solid NaOH and water. Get solution

12. A sample of rainwater has a nitric acid concentration of 3.00 × 10−8 M. How many grams of nitric acid are present in 1 liter? Get solution

13. Explain how you would make a 1.50-m calcium chloride solution. Get solution

14. How many grams of water would you have to add to 1000 g of sugar, C12H22O11, in order to prepare a 1-m solution? Get solution

15. How many molecules of ethyl alcohol, C2H5OH, must be dissolved in 500 g of water to make a 1-m solution? Get solution

16. An analysis of rainwater revealed a concentration of nitric acid, HNO3, of 2.2 × 10−6 g/liter. What is the molarity with respect to the nitric acid? Get solution

17. What is the meaning of the word “colligative” in the context of colligative properties? Get solution

18. Explain why seawater has a lower freezing point than fresh water. Get solution

19. How can you determine experimentally whether a substance is an electrolyte or a nonelectrolyte? Get solution

20. Which will freeze faster, a fresh-water pond or a salt-water pond? Get solution

21. How does the spreading of salt on ice-covered walks and roads cause the ice to melt? Get solution

22. Discuss the principle whereby the addition of antifreeze to an automobile radiator exerts its action. Get solution

23. The solution in a car radiator froze at 0°F. Determine the molality of the solution. Get solution

24. A solution contains 684 g of sucrose, C12H22O11, per 1000 g of water. Determine the freezing point of the solution. Get solution

25. A solution is made by dissolving 45.0 g of dextrose (C6H12O6) in 250.0 g of water.(a) Calculate the molality.(b) At what temperature will the solution freeze? Get solution

26. Which solution would produce the brighter light in an electrical conductivity apparatus, 0.100 M NaCl or 0.100 M Na3PO4? Explain. Get solution

27. List some general properties of acids. Get solution

28. List some general properties of bases. Get solution

29. In the Arrhenius definition, (a) what characterizes an acid; (b) what characterizes a base? Get solution

30. What does it mean to say that an acid is strong in aqueous solution? Get solution

31. When aqueous solutions of sodium chloride and silver nitrate are mixed, a precipitate forms instantaneously. How does the Arrhenius theory explain this result? Get solution

32. Complete and balance the following equations representing neutralization reactions:(a) HCl + Ca(OH)2 →(b) NH3 + H2SO4 →(c) NaOH + HNO3 →(d) H3PO4 + LiOH → Get solution

33. Why is the acidity of a solution expressed in terms of its pH rather than in terms of the molarity of hydrogen ion present? Get solution

34. How is pH defined? Get solution

35. Vinegar is an aqueous solution of acetic acid. Would you expect the pH of vinegar to be greater than or less than 7.00? Get solution

36. State whether each of the following solutions is acidic or basic. The H+ concentrations are given.(a) [H+] = 1.00 × 10−4 M(b) [H+] = 1.00 × 10−11 M(c) [H+] = 3.50 × 10−13 M(d) [H+] = 0.0001 M Get solution

37. Classify the following aqueous solutions as acidic, basic, or neutral if their pH is(a) 11. (b) 2. (c) 7. (d) 8.24. (e) 3.48. Get solution

38. Why can boric acid (H3BO3) be used in eyewashes, whereas hydrochloric acid (HCl) is not safe to use? Get solution

39. How do soaps and detergents cleanse? Get solution

40. In regions where the water supply is rich in calcium or magnesium compounds, why are detergents better cleaning agents than soaps? Get solution

41. Of what importance is biodegradability to the for-mulators of detergents? Get solution

42. What are the disadvantages of hard water? Get solution

43. What is the environmental impact of phosphorus compounds in detergents? Get solution

44. Why is an algal bloom—a thick mat of blue-green algae—on the surface of a lake an undesirable sign? Get solution

45. Plow can eutrophication lead to the death of a lake? Get solution

46. Multiple ChoiceA. Which of the following would be most soluble in the polar solvent water?(a) I2 (b) NaCl (c) CCl4 (d) N2B. The freezing point of H2o is(a) lowered by the addition of a solute.(b) raised by the addition of a solute.(c) not affected by the addition of a solute.(d) does not depend on the amount of solute added.C. When 1 mole of NaCl is dissolved in a kilogram of water, the concentration is(a) 0.50 molal.(b) 0.50 molar.(c) 1.00 molal.(d) 1.00 molar.D. A solution that has a pH of 7 is(a) slightly acidic.(b) strongly acidic.(c) neutral.(d) slightly basic.E. Kw(a) equals 10−14.(b) is the ion product of water.(c) equals [H3o+][OH-].(d) all of theseF. Which of the following is not a solution?(a) air free of smoke and dust(b) water free of other substances(c) sugar in water(d) HCl in waterG. When sodium chloride dissolves in water, the following species would be found in the resulting solution:(a) solvated NaCl molecules(b) solvated Na+(c) solvated Cl−(d) (b) and (c)H. Which one of the following observations is caused by a colligative property of solutions?(a) Water freezes at a lower temperature under pressure.(b) Water boils at a higher temperature under pressure.(c) Salt dissolves more rapidly in hot water than in cold.(d) Ice melts at a lower temperature when salt is added.I. A small amount of a certain solute melting at 800°C is added to water. The solution will be expected to freeze(a) above room temperature.(b) at 0°C.(c) slightly above 0°C.(d) slightly below 0°C.J. The pH of a solution refers to(a) the molarity of an acidic solution.(b) the molality of an acidic solution.(c) the concentration of hydronium ions in solution.(d) all of these. Get solution