Chapter #24 Solutions - Physical Science with Modern Applications - Melvin Merken - 5th Edition


1. What are the major gases comprising the atmosphere and the percentage of the total that each supplies? Get solution

2. Why is it useful to think of the atmosphere as an ocean of air? Get solution

3. Why are hydrogen and helium scarce in the earth’s atmosphere? Get solution

4. List four regions of the atmosphere that are based on thermal structure. Get solution

5. How is the temperature profile of the stratosphere related to ozone? Get solution

6. Discuss the threat to the survival of the ozone layer. Get solution

7. (a) What is the greenhouse effect?(b) Why is there so much discussion of it in the media? Get solution

8. What important role does ozone play in the atmosphere? Get solution

9. How does the troposphere differ from the strato-sphere? Get solution

10. How is it possible for radio waves, which travel in straight lines, to follow the curvature of the earth? Get solution

11. What is the difference between a meteorologist and a climatologist? Get solution

12. Explain how auroras form. Get solution

13. Why were the radiation belts encompassing the earth discovered only recently? Get solution

14. Give the common units in which air pressure is expressed. Get solution

15. Why does the atmosphere become progressively more dense from its outer limits to sea level? Get solution

16. How can you apply your knowledge of pressure and winds in everyday life? Get solution

17. Why is it difficult to cook foods in boiling water at high elevations? Get solution

18. What is meant by the “hydrologic cycle”? Get solution

19. Discuss five meteorological instruments. Get solution

20. Discuss the major classes of clouds. Get solution

21. What is relative humidity? Get solution

22. Explain the meaning of dew point. Get solution

23. Why does the relative humidity rise at night? Get solution

24. Distinguish between condensation and precipitation. Get solution

25. How do fronts cause clouds and precipitation? Get solution

26. (a) How many inches of precipitation have fallen in your area this year?(b) Is that average or unusually high or low? Get solution

27. List the various forms of precipitation and the manner in which each is produced. Get solution

28. What is the role of nuclei of condensation in cloud formation? Get solution

29. Discuss the characteristics of an air mass. Get solution

30. How are weather fronts related to air masses? Get solution

31. Compare the amounts of snowfall and rainfall. Get solution

32. How does a thunderstorm develop? Get solution

33. What makes a tornado so life-threatening? Get solution

34. What is the current status of weather modification? Get solution

35. Multiple ChoiceA. Atmospheric pressure is usually recorded in(a) grams.(b) meters.(c) millibars.(d) isobars.B. The relative humidity of the air is measured with a(a) barometer.(b) sling psychrometer.(c) thermograph.(d) ceilometer.C. The lowest region of the atmosphere is called the(a) troposphere.(b) stratosphere.(c) ionosphere.(d) exosphere.D. Rain or snow is most likely to be produced by which of the following clouds?(a) cirrostratus(b) nimbostratus(c) stratocumulus(d) altocumulusE. A boundary that separates air masses of different properties is known as a (an)(a) weather front.(b) cold front.(c) warm front.(d) occluded front. Get solution

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