Chapter #21 Solutions - Physical Science with Modern Applications - Melvin Merken - 5th Edition


1. What is the basis for the statement that our solar system is not unique in the universe? Get solution

2. How is a solar system believed to have been formed? Get solution

3. From the information now available, discuss the possibility of life as we know it on other planets in our solar system. Get solution

4. What are some essential differences between planets and stars? Get solution

5. Which of the planets would appear to be most suitable for human exploration? In your opinion, should such exploration be encouraged? Get solution

6. On which planet do we see the surface rather than the atmosphere? Get solution

7. Which planets are likely to have their original atmospheres? Explain. Get solution

8. Discuss the nature of sunspots and the chronology of a sunspot cycle. What influence, if any, has a sunspot cycle on human affairs? Get solution

9. What makes the sun shine? Get solution

10. On a sketch of the sun, show the locations of the chromosphere, the corona, and the photosphere. Get solution

11. Why didn’t the planets become stars, assuming that they condensed out of the same primeval nebula as the sun? Get solution

12. What information has been obtained about the moon, first by means of improved instrumentation such as the telescope, camera, and lunar orbiter, and finally through astronaut landings, that was not available previously? Get solution

13. In your opinion, has the price tag in the billion-dollar range for lunar exploration been worth the return? Get solution

14. Why are the “seas,” “oceans,” and “bays” on the moon misnomers? Get solution

15. Discuss the structure and possible origin of Saturn’s rings and their relation to the structure and origin of the solar system. Get solution

16. What can studying rocks from the moon tell us about the early history of the earth? Get solution

17. Why can we never see one hemisphere of the moon from the earth? Get solution

18. List several differences between the terrestrial planets and the Jovian planets. Get solution

19. Why do radar observations of Venus provide more data about the surface structure dian a flyby with close-up camera? Get solution

20. Why do we say that Venus is our “sister planet”? Get solution

21. Why does Mars vary greatly in brightness as seen from the earth? Get solution

22. What evidence is there that there is, or has been, water on Mars? Get solution

23. Compare the temperature ranges on Mercury, Venus, earth, and Mars. Get solution

24. How might the atmosphere of Venus have evolved through a runaway greenhouse effect? Get solution

25. Do radar observations of Venus study the surface or the clouds? Explain. Get solution

26. Discuss the structure and possible origin of Saturn’s rings and their relation to the structure and origin of the solar system. Get solution

27. Of all the natural moons, what is unique about Saturn’s Titan that makes it of particular interest? Get solution

28. Is Jupiter more like a star than a planet? Explain. Get solution

29. What distinction does Titan hold among the moons in the solar system? Get solution

30. What is strange about the direction in which Uranus rotates? Get solution

31. What fraction of its orbit has Neptune traversed since it was discovered? Get solution

32. What evidence suggests that Pluto is not a “normal” planet? Get solution

33. Why are the moons of the giant planets more appealing for direct exploration than the planets themselves? Get solution

34. What significance may meteorites have concerning the composition of the earth’s interior? Get solution

35. What causes light to be emitted by a meteorite? Get solution

36. Discuss the structure of a comet. Get solution

37. What is the connection between meteorites and asteroids? Get solution

38. Discuss the changes that occur as a comet approaches the sun. Get solution

39. Was the 1986 passage of Halley’s comet as spectacular as anticipated? Explain. Get solution

40. What are the prospects for the existence of life elsewhere in the solar system? Get solution

41. Discuss the value of supporting exobiology. Get solution

42. How probable is fife elsewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy? Get solution

43. Do you think there is extraterrestrial intelligence? Get solution

44. What would it matter to humanity if the existence of other technological civilizations was definitely-proved or disproved? Get solution

45. Is space travel to other solar systems a realistic goal? Get solution

46. How might communication between worlds occur? Get solution

47. Do you think it likely that human beings will ever colonize other planets? Get solution

48. Multiple ChoiceA. Sunspots appear dark because they are(a) hotter than the surrounding surface.(b) cooler than the surrounding surface.(c) flares.(d) coronal streamers.B. Galileo discovered all but(a) sunspots.(b) the phases of Venus.(c) the moons of Mars.(d) the moons of Jupiter.C. The lunar maria are presumed younger than the highlands because(a) they are lighter.(b) they are darker.(c) they have water.(d) they have fewer craters.D. The greenhouse effect heats a planet because(a) infrared radiation is trapped.(b) more sunlight gets in.(c) the winds don’t blow too fast.(d) it removes CO2 from the atmosphere.E. The Great Red Spot of Jupiter is probably(a) a continent.(b) a storm.(c) a hole in the clouds.(d) a thick cloud layer. Get solution

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